Terrorists are still attacking H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I (H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I), a Bantu Hebrew of the Kikuyu Asher Tribe of Israel; the 5th King of Israel under the United Kingdom of New Israel with military grade energy directed weapons (Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear weapons - CBRN / weapons of mass destruction) used for stalking, harassment and torture. Some of these terrorists who constitute of people who have been eliminated in the physical body; their consciousness continue to haunt Israeli communities and Israeli society via light bodies that are propagated by CBRN and the neuralink technology.
A decree was passed to place Gaza under martial law. Residents of Gaza without affiliations belonging to terrorist organisations and whose houses were destroyed or get destroyed are Israeli citizens as their digital I.Ds show and will be provided with aid from the Israeli government and this is an addition to what H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I said that no citizen of the United Kingdom of New Israel without an affiliation to a terrorist organisation should sleep hungry. A decree to provide shelters in the meantime has been passed. Furthermore plans for settlement housing in new territories gained under International law Gaza being one of the gained territories are under place.
H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I, urges all citizens of the United Kingdom of New Israel to remain calm, G_d is on the Throne. I urge you all to shun taking instructions from terrorist leaders calling for people to engage in acts of violence, vandalism and terrorism, these leaders of terrorist organisations shall be eliminated the same way I eliminated Yayha Sinwar.
All shall be well, the future belongs to us and with our sovereign G_d Adonai YHWH Elohim nothing is impossible.
P/S the 1400 BC map illustrated above is for public information only. The official map of the United Kingdom of New Israel is on the header.
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