United Kingdom of New Israel Royal corporation sole by H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I [H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I]. 🌏 External Funding: 0 | 🇮🇱 State of Israel Internal funding: 1 million shekels. Internal and External Debt: 0 Revenue from Lawsuits as of DEC 26, 17,024: $1 quattuordecillion dollars. H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust staff: 0, contracts: 0, tenders: 0, due to digital automation software and to prevent infiltrators.


Tribe of Asher

Tribe of Asher
Lion of Asher



Contact the Heir and King of the United Kingdom of New Israel


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Report a Complaint to Israel Police During an Emergency

Report a Complaint to Israel Police During an Emergency
Reporting complaints is now activated on the Wrist Dashboard together with Onvego systems.


Published: August, 24, 2024. 
Last updated:1st DEC 17,024.

It is the wish for every male child in society to serve their country and start something after and meet success.

Fredrik Zion His Majesty Asher I (Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki before deed poll)
5th King of Israel under the United Kingdom of New Israel,
Public International Lawyer and Philosopher.
No pro bono.
No signed contract with anybody and not employed by anybody.
Citizenship: United Kingdom of New Israel
Affiliation: Flag of Israel, Flag of the United Kingdom of New Israel (not a member of any political party).
Immunity status: Sovereign Immunity and diplomatic immunity.
Passport: Diplomatic passport, LAISSEZ PASSER (Multidimensional Units).
Race: Pleiadean Angel Elohim. 

Education: Master of Arts in International Relations & International Law, Certified Postmodernism. Philosopher, USIU-Israel Alumni Class of 2020,
Occupation: Sovereign, Public International Lawyer (KF Law 100% share owner), H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust (Shareholder), no external job contract with anybody or any organization.
Debit / Credit card: None.
Online purchases: None
Assets in H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust acquired through purchasing directly through sources.
No loan taken anywhere.
I bought all my vehicles, nobody has ever bought for me anything.
Not a member of any political party.
Occupation: Sovereign, 5th King of Israel, Secretary General - United Nations.

H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I 
Marital status: Single (Never married before) 
Relationship status; Single
Children: none

Disclaimer: His parents, siblings have been disowned for joining hamas and his friends have no right to order anything on behalf of Fredrik Zion [His Majesty] and he does not represent them on any legal platform. Sovereign decrees 483, 769 and 817 have subsequently been activated on them.

Temperament: Introvert,
Health: 100% healthy
Sexual Orientation: Straight,
Religion: Judaism.
Languages: Kikuyu Hebrew Bantu, English, Spanish
Ethnicity: Kikuyu Asher Tribe of Israel, Bantu Hebrew (Ethnic Jew),
Political Status: Sovereign (Sovereign decrees 69, 243, 725, 737, 738, 767, 765, 816, 824, 826 apply, His Majesty Fredrik Zion),

No spokesperson appointed.

If you do not see it on this site and app it's not associated with me, my email:

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H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I

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Sovereign Decrees to do with Motherships, Starships and UV Radiation Activated on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.


United Kingdom of New Israel Extra Sovereign Decree; Activate all the sovereign decrees and extra decrees to do with affiliations, Shin Bet, foreign aid, metal detectors, water detectors, drainage, girls, relationships, touch, Duvdevan, Duvdevan cybercrime unit, Unit 8200, facial recognition, mining, sovereigns, international law, international humanitarian law, clones, impersonation, beneficiary status, Israel Police, Yamam, haptic sensors, sniffer dogs, smoke detectors, masks, execute function, real time GPS coordinates, siblings, offspring, parents, ownership, contracts, documents, property rights, lawyers, extortion, rockets, tunnels, detecting stolen funds, destroying terrorist infrastructure, screens, time, security detail, protocol, convoys, logic, decree 767, decree 845, decree to do with the speaker, calls on people's heads, international organizations, immigration, fingerprint, decrees to do with 100 % , satellites, geodata, timestamps, metadata, primary data, secondary data, crystalline diamond DNA, carbon DNA, deportation, extradition, compromise, hostility, and decree 916 activated in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities.