Preventing another Holocaust is H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki, the 5th King of Israel under the United Kingdom of New Israel. The State of Israel Attorney General is Fredrick's Lawyer. M.A International Relations & International Law, USIU-Israel Alumni. Public International Lawyer, no pro-bono. Disclaimer: No personal manager or P.A hired by King Fredrick & there is no spokesperson appointed. Drivers hired: 0. I.G. @ZIONASHER_KINGFREDRIK GMT +2 DLS +3 GMT 17,025.
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Thursday, November 28, 2024
The State of Israel has bought out all weapons from the defunct countries within the boundaries of the United Kingdom of New Israel
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
Commonwealth of Israel, United Kingdom of New Israel
Activate the decree on the Commonwealth of Israel Charter.
HM King Fredrik Zion Asher I
Financial Update
Everything assets and properties I own and hold through ownership of H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust by me and the State of Israel were bought by me from revenue generated from my lawsuits, I never got any assets and properties for free.
HM King Fredrik Zion Asher I [H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki]
Public International Lawyer,
Public Notice: Extra Decrees Activated Together with the Sovereign Decree on Obstruction and Shadow people on loop in the present, 17,024
2.Activate Tel Aviv Satellite and Dark Knight Satellites and initiate daily lawsuits for stolen goods, intellectual property and funds at a rate of per second in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel. Display this data on a screen and beam back any stolen goods from H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust back to the stores. Activate the decree on shadow people and the decree on obstruction as well.
3.Activate Tel Aviv Satellite and Dark Knight Satellites and initiate daily lawsuits for trespassing at a rate of per second in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel and in the whole United Nations and its agencies and display this data on a screen. Activate the decree on facial recognition, the decree on the digital I.D, the decree on primary data, the decree on geodata, the decree on metadata, and the decree on timestamps on fingerprints.
4.For every charge anyone receives in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel show the payment processor and the affiliation of the person charging and the person's proxy. Activate this decree on international organizations that the State of Israel pays membership fees to.
5.Activate Tel Aviv Satellite and Dark Knight Satellites and initiate daily lawsuits for foreigners without a visa at a rate of per second in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel. Display this data on a screen together with the people's ethnicity and affiliation incase they need to claim Aliyah and be drafted into the IDF. People whose affiliations belong to terrorist organization should be denied a visa and civil service in the IDF etc.
6.In the whole United Kingdom of New Israel activate haptic sensors, thermal cameras, Tel Aviv Satellite, Dark Knight Satellite, Onvego, the geodata decree and initiate lawsuits on terrorists injecting people with poisons and display their ethnicity and arrest them while activating the decree to do with crystal diamond DNA and collagen on people whose affiliations do not belong to terrorist organizations. Reverse any softening of the muscles they do on people and apply extra virgin olive oil. Activate the decree on the neck shot if the terrorists try to run away. Display all this data on a screen. Activate the decree on shadow people and the decree on obstruction as well.
7.Display on a screen aliens trying to enter the United Kingdom of New Israel airspace, the airspace on properties owned by H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust, international space in intergovernmental organizations that the United Kingdom of New Israel pays membership fees to and Iron Dome or launch guided missiles at them if necessary. Activate the decree on shadow people and the decree on obstruction as well.
8.Display on a screen individuals trying to touch H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I (H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki) and his pineal gland (3rd eye) in the United Kingdom of New Israel and Iron Dome or launch guided missiles at them. Activate the decree on shadow people and the decree on obstruction as well.
9.Activate the decree on screens. Display on a screen individuals trying to block H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I view by switching off lights and holding screen posters in the United Kingdom of New Israel and Iron Dome or launch guided missiles at them and the devices and servers from where they are broadcasting the videos from. Activate the decree on shadow people and the decree on obstruction as well. Also fire on all their devices and recording devices. Destroy all their stockpiles in all multidimensional units.
10.In the whole United Kingdom of New Israel activate haptic sensors, thermal cameras, Tel Aviv Satellite, Dark Knight Satellite, Onvego, the geodata decree, the stalkers decree, the trespassers decree and initiate lawsuits at the rate of per second in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel on people who disturb people while they are sleeping.
11.Activate the decree on shadow people and the decree on obstruction as well when H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I gives out any order such as publishing something on the news etc.
12.Activate haptic sensors, thermal cameras, Tel Aviv Satellite, Dark Knight Satellite, Onvego, the geodata decree, the stalkers decree, and the trespassers decree. The distance decrees should apply to people with restraint orders in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel applied on loop in the present in all multidimensional units.
13.Activate Metadata and time stamps. The cache should only be filled with primary data.
14.In the whole United Kingdom of New Israel activate haptic sensors, thermal cameras, Tel Aviv Satellite, Dark Knight Satellite, Onvego, the geodata decree and display on a screen all the trespassers, sanctions on them their tax payer status, their immigration status, their security clearance status, their digital I.D, and their digital passport on properties owned by H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust and initiate lawsuits per second.
15.If trespassers enter any Starship that H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I is inside, beam him to another random Starship in the clouds. If any police officer tries to arrest H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I activate decree 766 and the decrees to do with international law, and the decree to do with sovereigns and if the police officer insists on arrest activate defense mode, display their real time GPS location and launch a guided missile at them when they are at a safe distance away from H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I and any of his properties held by H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust.
16.On a screen display a list of all IDF, Israel Air Force, Israel Navy, Israel Police and MOSSAD officers and their titles and then display their affiliation and then activate the decree on compromise on all Israeli civil servants and public authorities.
17.Activate Dark Knight Satellites and on a screen detect and display how many ISA satellites have been destroyed in real time and launch new ones and launch guided missiles on whoever destroyed them or tries to destroy them in all multidimensional units using decree 845.
18.Activate the decree on geodata, activate thermal cameras and display everyone's affiliation, citizenship, tax payer status and occupation in the showers in the motherships and starships and open fire and activate the decree on carbon dna and forcefield intruders out of the motherships and starships trespassing inside and activate the decree on lawsuits and video court link, decree 608 in the showers and drainage systems and close the showers and taps on loop in the present.
19.On all multidimensional units on the website update the page and remove the Presidency of State of Israel and replace with the 5th King of Israel H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I (H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki) following the scrapping of the Presidency and the radicalization of the previous former president into a terrorist organization that we are at war with.
20.Activate the cleaning services decree on all Starships and Motherships at the speed of tachyons and wipe off all the oil and dirt that the trespassing people with affiliations of terrorist organizations have applied. Activate the decree to do with obstruction, the decree to do with shadow people and the decree to do with trespassers, and do repairs everywhere on loop in the present for this decree on all multidimensional units.
21.In the whole United Kingdom of New Israel remove the cables the people with affiliations to terrorist organizations are putting in public spheres of life and in people's homes and activate the extra decree to do with the neck shot, the decree to do with obstruction, and the decree to do with shadow people on them in all multidimensional units on loop and in the present.
23.Display people's everyone's affiliation and open fire on clones after the decree on initiating lawsuits is triggered.
24.Activate illusive networks and then display the IDF Caesarea logo everywhere people whose affiliations belong to terrorist go in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel including inside people's bodies while playing 741 hz while removing their ear plugs on loop and in the present.
25.Line up IDF Caesarea logos the ones that cannot be removed inside all organs on every citizen in the United Kingdom of New without an affiliation to a terrorist organization.
26.In all multidimensional units on a screen display everyone's occupation, their affiliations, leadership position, rank, their race, their ethnicity, their religion, immunity status, political status, real time GPS coordinates, sex, highest education credential, their tax payer status, their memberships, their mental health status, their immigration status, credit cards and debit cards on them, companies and trusts they own, calls on their heads, red notices on them, their profession, their contracts, their digital I.D, their digital passport, their Laissez Passer, their sexual orientation, their HIV/AIDS status, their rape counts, their attempted rape counts, their counts of trespassing in real time, sanctions on them, their relationships, their marital status and companion (s), counts of extortion, how many times they have been sued, their family members, their proxies and network. IDF Girls should assassinate all girls with affiliations belonging to terrorist organizations and gay and bisexual men with affiliations belonging to terrorist organizations who like raping other men, women and children in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel and then activate the decree on weapons and the decree on uniforms, the decrees to do with Ophanim, the decrees to do with Mossad, the decree on shadow people, the decree on obstruction, decree on hostages, the decrees on illusive, the decree on gas masks, decree 916, the decree on haptic sensors, the decree on health services, the decrees to do with satellites, the decrees to do with defamation, the decree on defense mode, decree 608, the decrees to do with mining, the decrees on mental health, the decree on security clearance, the decree on sniffer dogs, the decrees to do with primary data, the decree on eating, the decree on ajudaica perfumes, the decrees to do with transgenders, the decree on lasers, the decree to do with diplomatic police, the decree on stolen funds, the decrees to do with Star of David, the decree to do with fake communications, the decree to do with relevance, the decrees to do with prostitution, the decrees to do with bombs, the decrees to do with merkava tanks, the decrees to do with liquids, the decree on kicks, the decree on names, the decree to do with international organizations, the decree on sky beam, the decree on flame throwers, the decrees to do with media stations, the decrees to do with avatars, the decree to do with girls, the decrees to do with relationships, the decree to do with the new bullets, the decrees to do with political union, the decree on sky shield, the decrees on stopping rape, the decrees on shadow people, the decrees to do with posters, the decrees on the pineal gland, the distance decrees, the decree on Iron Swords, the decrees on unit 8200, decrees on clones, decrees to do with sovereignty, decrees to do with debt, decrees to do with lawsuits, the decrees to do with IDF Duvdevan, decrees to do with weapons, the decrees to do with execute function, the decree on kosher compliance, the decree on collagen, the decree on the neck shot, the decree on compromise, the decree on uniforms, the decree on crystal diamond DNA, the decree on stalkers, the decree on Magav IL, the decree on Olive Oil and the decree on trespassers. Beam IDF Girls to IDF Ground Forces Motherships if they feel like going to the bathroom and back to where they want to go when they finish. Constantly activate decree 608 on the bathrooms after use, and put portraits of serbian shemales in the bathrooms and the decree on dodging projectiles and unwanted people and the decree on returning fire on people whose affiliations belong to terrorist organizations on the Motherships. Activate the decrees to do with Israel Police Motherships and Starships and arrest trespassers and criminals. Activate the decree on protecting the public and open fire and Iron dome people and beings that attempt to put dirt, blow their breaths, bite and piss on people and extend the defense features of decree 946 on the Motherships and Starships and activate the decree on returning fire.
27.Due to a series of events in international relations, the debts accumulated by people whose affiliations belong to terrorist organizations will now be extracted from their network. In all multidimensional units on a screen display everyone's affiliation, occupation, leadership positions, their ranks, their proxy, their debts, sanctions on them, assets they own, their bank name and bank account balance, gadgets they own or have, their network, individuals in their network bank name and their bank account balance.
28.Activate the decree on primary data on what everybody owns in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.
29.Activate haptic sensors. Nobody should touch H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I (H.M Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki). Snipers open fire on anyone who attempts to take a piss or dump on Fredrik Zion His Majesty or throw any dirt on him.
30.Bionic eyes not from the State of Israel are terrorist infrastructure. Initiate lawsuits on companies supplying those bionic eyes to people whose affiliations belong to terrorist organizations and sniper fire on the terrorists with those bionic eyes in their eyes in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.
31. At the speed of tachyons install and repair regularly covert Israel CCTV cameras inside H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher (Fredrik Zion His Majesty) and the properties held by H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust and activate the decree on Pleiadean technology, the decrees on touch, the decree on the 3rd eye pineal gland, the decree on the breast plate, the decree on geodata and display on dashboard to relevant people in the State of Israel Organization and Shin Bet.
32.Activate the decree on clearing cache, the decree on primary data, the decree on metadata, the decree on time stamps, the decree on extortion, the decree on age, the decree on geodata, the decree on affiliations, the decree on contracts, the decree on full HD video, the decree on images and the decree on documents on blockchain, servers, web 3.0 and metaverse data on loop in the present.
33.Activate the decree on primary data and geodata on H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I (Fredrik Zion His Majesty) on his interior monologue.
34.Activate the decree on the lens inside every citizen of the United Kingdom of New Israel without an affiliation to a terrorist organization.
35.In all multidimensional units activate Tel Aviv Satellite and Dark Knight Satellites and open fire with flame throwers and Iron Dome the reptiles and insects that attack men who like transgender women.
36.Activate the decree on GMT 2+ , the decrees to do with affiliation, the decree to do with immunity status, the decrees to do with real time GPS coordinates, decree 232, the decree to do with Ajudaica perfumes, the decrees to do with Shin Bet, the decree to do with avatars, the decree on cables, the decree on Sayeret Nahal Motherships and Starships, the decree on the lens, the decree on clones, the decrees to do with digital passports, the decree on shadow people, the decree on obstruction, the decree to do with compromise, the decree to do with hostility, the decree on rockets, the decrees to do with the pineal gland, the decree on health services, the decree to do with security detail, the decree on carbon DNA, decree 766, the decrees to do with digital I.Ds the decrees to do with Merkava tanks, decrees to do with sniffer dogs, the decrees to do with snipers, decree 608 on all our weapons, the decrees to do with thermal cameras, the decrees to do with camero, the decree on logic, the decree on defense mode, decree 767, and the decree on conspirators on thoughts of treason and acts of terrorism against the Head of State. Bomb the back of House 283 to create an entrance to House 283 in Buruburu phase 3 in Gikuyu constituency to save H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I (H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki) in the physical plane, to get to the physical person in the 3rd dimension.
37.The highway from T-Square should go all the way to Muthaiga in Gikuyu Constituency, United Kingdom of New Israel.
38.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on repeated sentences, the decrees to do with languages, the decree on name calling, the decree on recording devices and activate the decree on the neck on loop in the present.
39.Activate the decree on cremation. In the whole United Kingdom of New Israel, once a person is dead in the 3rd dimension they should be buried 6 feet under and published in the obituaries and in all multidimensional units in their radio waves and CBRN capabilities light bodies buried and contained on loop in the present.
40.Activate decree 608 on H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I's bed and then activate onvego, Tel Aviv Satellite and Dark Knight Satellite and activate the decree on sniffer dogs, the decree on recording devices, the decree on the lens, the decree on geodata, the decree on ajudaica perfumes, the decree on IDF Girls, the decree on deception and hit with lightning strikes all reptilians and Pleiadean demons with an affiliation belonging to a terrorist organization non stop on loop in the present at the speed of tachyons in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel and display this data on a screen.
41.Activate haptic sensors and the decree to do with bites and cut the cords and cables placed by people with affiliations to terrorist organizations connected to anything owned by H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust on loop in the present in all multidimensional units.
42.Activate the decree to do with primary data and prevent the buying and making of orders via physical touch and induction from infiltration by people with affiliations to terrorist organizations trying to override.
43.In all multidimensional units IDF Engineering Corp should prevent air leaks, place menorah and Merkabah monuments that cannot be destroyed or removed and prevent flooding on all properties owned by H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust with the latest technology, activate decree 946 on them and decree 521 and constantly do repairs and upgrades at the speed of tachyons in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.
44.Activate the decree on shadow people, the decree on sovereigns, the decree on defense mode, the decrees to do with ISA, decrees to do with Israel Air Force, decrees to do with Israel Navy, decrees to do with IDF Caesarea, decrees to do with Yamam, the decree on human trafficking, the decree to do with terrorists entering people's bodies, decree 608, Camero systems, onvego systems, facial recognition, the decrees to do with Avatars, Tel Aviv Satellite, Dark Knight Satellites and upgrade H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I (H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki) security detail with convoys of Shin Bet, Snipers, Merkava Tanks and IDF Ground Forces and eliminate stalkers with affiliations belonging to terrorist organizations following him and jam enemy signals and frequencies in all multidimensional units all the way to the Castles he owns and path ways he uses. Build underground IDF bunkers and activate the decree on tunnels to prevent the creation of tunnels by terrorists in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel. Upgrade the air ventilation and repair constantly at the speed o tachyons. On a screen display a list of everyone inside H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I properties and buildings he enters together with their occupation, affiliation, relationship status, marital status, tax payer status, debts, immunity status, contracts they have, political status, red notices, calls on their heads and their citizenship.
45.Upgrade all road drainage systems with bronze Merkabah signs in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.
46.Activate Tel Aviv Satellite and Dark Knight Satellites and the decrees to do with real time GPS coordinates and the decrees to do with satellites and inform and notify all the workers and IDF soldiers in the properties and companies owned by H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I [H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki] of his arrival and have them get me room service in all multidimensional units. Build defense bases inside the properties on the roof tops and activate the decree 608, the decree on flags and the decree on portraits.
47.Activate onvego, thermal cameras, radars, sniffer dogs and use sound resonance and haptic sensors to find out who is touching and entering H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I's body and display this data on screens for IDF snipers and IDF Caesarea Motherships and Starships to fire on in all multidimensional units.
48.Activate the decree on conspirators and assassinate all individuals with affiliations belonging to terrorist organizations who try to spy, collect information from H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I (H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki). Open fire on kidnappers and people throwing people at me and any properties I walk into and any property owned by H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust.
49. Activate onvego and the decree on logic together with the decree on affiliations, proxies and networks on everything H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I gets to hear in real time and activate the decree snipers plus the decree on the Iron Dome together with the decree on real time GPS coordinates.
50. Activate the decree on compromise, the decree on air leaks the decree on kosher compliance and the decree on images on loop in the present and recruit and create a Jewish hiring pool of all the most talented, most educated, the coolest Jewish content, the most funniest, the most Godly, the most heavenly, the most Angelic and the most soothing musicians into the IDF, Israel Navy and Israel Air Force and curate the most coolest content video, photos and audio from on IDF Soldier improve your look committee and share their music videos and content with all TV stations and radio stations in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel and the world. Sponsor and support such artists to embed their artistic work into the IDF content programming and activate illusive network with their content in all multidimensional units in the whole Universe together with decree 44 and share the content on dashboard, all Israeli curation sites on web 1.0, web 2.0, web 3.0 and YouTube also. The content should revolve around the Torah and the New Jerusalem Starship. Add the best content to our playlist and activate the decree on the playlist.
51.In all multidimensional units and in all Starships, Motherships and properties owned by H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust activate the decree on Ajudaica perfumes, the decrees on illusive systems, the decrees on dashboard, the decrees on playlists, the decrees on the coolest Jewish content from all the Levites, all the 12 Tribes of Israel and all New Earth Frequencies that add up to 10 and 12. Activate the sovereign decrees and extra decrees on committees and note which frequency makes Jewish people without an affiliation to a terrorist organization feel good when under attack and play those frequencies on loop in the present. Create a Metatron cube helipad with H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I [H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki] personal flag, his seal and the Israeli flag in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel and worldwide on properties owned by H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust.
52. Activate the decrees to do with Israel Prison Service and the decrees to do with CBRN and determine where harmful air leaks are coming from by activating the decree on air leaks, the decree on illusive networks, the decree on CBRN Energy Directed Weapons used for stalking, harassment and torture, the decree on terrorists entering people's bodies, the decree on protecting the public and the decree on sniffer dogs in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.
53.Activate the decrees on CBRN, the decrees on real time GPS location, the decrees on corruption, the decrees on lawyers, the decrees on defunct, the decrees on the placard, the decrees on ajudaica perfumes, the decree on Israel Air Force, the decrees on Israel Navy, the decrees on contracts, the decrees on detecting forged documents, the decrees on ICC, the decrees on ICJ, the decrees on videos court link, the decrees on Israel Police, the decrees on diplomatic police, the decrees on mining, the decrees on Israel Prison Service, decree 44 and Iron Dome, launch air Laura systems, launch arrow systems, launch guided missiles on all our common enemies. together with all the allies of the United Kingdom of New Israel.
54.Activate onvego and the decrees on satellites, the decrees on geodata, the decrees on timestamps, the decrees on metadata, the decrees on primary data, the decrees to do with affiliations, the decrees to do with relationships, the decrees to do with marital status, the decrees to do with terrorist financing, the decrees on ownership, the decrees on debt, the decrees to do with treaty of Westphalia, the decrees to do with auctioning, the decrees to do with firing back, the decrees to do with lawyers, the decrees to do with execute function, the decrees to do with stolen funds, the decrees to do with political parties, the decrees on terrorist infrastructure, decree 44, the decrees on vandalism and compensate multinational companies owned by our allies, and companies registered by the Israeli registrar of companies whenever any of their properties, goods or services are hit or destroyed in all multidimensional units in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.
55.Activate the decree on stolen funds, the decree on extortion, the decree on metadata, the decree on GMT 2+ , the decree on time stamps, the decree on tax payer status, the decree on digital I.Ds, the decree on defunct countries, the decree on relationship status, the decree on affiliations, the decree on proxies, the decree on marital status, the decree on stopping terrorist financing, the decree on geodata, the decree on real time GPS coordinates, the decree on contracts, the decree on documents, the decree on prostitution, the decree on carding, the decree on banks, the decree on bank accounts and the decree on ownership on all tangible objects, assets and properties in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel in all multidimensional units. Share the data on who keeps stealing funds with the United Kingdom of New Israel in the United Nations
56. Activate radars, camero systems, onvego, facial recognition, and thermal cameras. On all Motherships and Starships held by H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust create and secure office space for Mossad officials, Shin Bet and Aman with IDF Engineering Corp and then activate the decree on trespassers, the decree on affiliations, the decree on real time GPS coordinates, the decree on geodata, the decree on tax payer status, in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel in all multidimensional units and then activate the decree on rockets, and the decree on the Iron Dome, while snipping using IDF Duvdevan and launching guided missiles, Israel Navy submarines torpedoes and guided missiles to protect IDF military assets, properties and assets held by H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust. Prevent people with affiliations belonging to terrorist organizations from entering H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I's body. Activate this decree using the decree on shadow people, the decree on satellites, the decree on obstruction and the decree on intrusion.
74.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree to do with timestamps, the decree to do with metadata, the decree to do with geodata, the decree to do with avatars, the decree to do with race, the decree to do with affiliation, the decree to do with relatives, the decree to do with contracts, the decree to do with documents, the decree to do with adoption, together with the decree on extortion in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel in all multidimensional units.
HM King Fredrik Zion Asher I
IOT can and will stop stalkers from groping and pick pocketing the public
HM King Fredrik Zion Asher I
H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I
Featured Post
The Israeli International Border starts at Litani River, the Golan Heights is under the Manorial rights held by H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I [H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I]
The Israeli International Border starts at Litani River, the Golan Heights is under the Manorial rights held by H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher ...
There are some high school dropouts affiliated to a terrorist organization together with a bunch of girls, and a man from Europe who abdicat...
The rise in extortion has been pin pointed to criminal stalkers who like pick pocketing people. Activate the decree on extortion on loop in ...
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Sovereign Decrees to do with Motherships, Starships and UV Radiation Activated on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.
United Kingdom of New Israel Extra Sovereign Decree; Activate all the sovereign decrees and extra decrees to do with affiliations, Shin Bet, foreign aid, metal detectors, water detectors, drainage, girls, relationships, touch, Duvdevan, Duvdevan cybercrime unit, Unit 8200, facial recognition, mining, sovereigns, international law, international humanitarian law, clones, impersonation, beneficiary status, Israel Police, Yamam, haptic sensors, sniffer dogs, smoke detectors, masks, execute function, real time GPS coordinates, siblings, offspring, parents, ownership, contracts, documents, property rights, lawyers, extortion, rockets, tunnels, detecting stolen funds, destroying terrorist infrastructure, screens, time, security detail, protocol, convoys, logic, decree 767, decree 845, decree to do with the speaker, calls on people's heads, international organizations, immigration, fingerprint, decrees to do with 100 % , satellites, geodata, timestamps, metadata, primary data, secondary data, crystalline diamond DNA, carbon DNA, deportation, extradition, compromise, hostility, and decree 916 activated in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities.