Extra decree 30th NOV, 17,024, GMT 2+ (DLS GMT +3)
Activate the decrees to do with Satellites, the decree to do with the Principle of collective security, decree 845 and the decree on real time GPS coordinates, the decree on ownership, the decree on extortion, the decree on trespassing and then on a screen display everyone with an affiliation to a terrorist organization worldwide, their tax payer status, their immunity status, their real time GPS coordinates from the 3rd to the 12th dimension, the real time worldwide GPS coordinates of where their CBRN capabilities are being projected from using military grade energy directed weapons that utilize radio waves for stalking, harassment and torture and then activate the Iron Dome and decree 854 using guided missiles and the decree to do with the speaker and the decree to do with 100%.
Other Extra Decrees
1.No social security for people whose affiliations belong to terrorist organizations.
2.H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I is the only one who can place an order on order book.
3.H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I ideal weight is 75kgs and ideal height is 1 meter 85 centimeters, auto correct in the 3rd dimension, activate this decree on loop in the present.
4.Crystalline diamond DNA upgrade on all water bodies and supplies, plants, animals and citizens of the United kingdom of New Israel without an affiliation to a terrorist organization.
5.In the whole United Kingdom of New Israel on all public and private spheres of life and in all multidimensional units display everybody's profession, contracts on them, fines they have been charged with, lawsuits lodged on them, their affiliation, economic activities on a screen and activate the decree on lawyers and the decree on extortion on where extortion is evident.
6.In the whole United Kingdom of New Israel and in all multidimensional units display everybody's profession, contracts on them, their marital status and who they are married to, their relationship status and who they are in a relationship with, and a list of their real time economic activities and past economic activities on a screen and activate the decree on extortion on where extortion is evident and the decree on auctioning where necessary and publish the results on all TV stations.
7.Becoming too powerful is not a violation of international law, activate onvego in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel and initiate lawsuits on people violating the Treaty of Westphalia and activate the decree on auctioning.
8.Entering people's bodies, tying their legs with cables is illegal and charging people for any sexual activity is prostitution, activate the decree on prostitution in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel and initiate lawsuits on people entering people's bodies using military grade energy directed weapons and commercial sexual activities.
9.Activate the decree on compromise and the decree on extortion on loop in the present on all companies held by H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust.
10.Activate the decree on trespassing and initiate lawsuits in real time on trespassers into properties held by H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust.
11.Activate Tel Aviv Satellite and Dark Knight Satellites and then display everybody's affiliation and shoot people whose affiliations belong to terrorist organizations on the neck and then activate the decree on murder and then shoot the necks, elbows and knees of people who want to kill the people who have been shot on the neck.
12.Activate the decree to do with obstruction, the decree to do with Shadow people and then activate Tel Aviv Satellite, Dark Knight Satellites, Onvego and haptic sensors. Then display everybody's affiliation, activate the decree on conspirators and shoot on the neck individuals who want to trespass, engage in extortion, steal food and engage in vandalism who have affiliations to terrorist organizations and then activate the decree on murder and then shoot the necks, elbows and knees of people who want to kill the people who have been shot on the neck.
13.Upgrade all IDF and Israel Police weapons and bullets with a 777 Merkabah engraving.
14.Activate Tel Aviv Satellite, Dark Knight Satellites and track all stolen and carjacked vehicles and return the vehicles to the logbook owners. Track all auctioned houses and people with eviction notices from houses and activate the decree on murder and the decree on conspirators on people who think of killing people who have bought auctioned cars and properties.
15.On a screen display everyone's affiliation and counts of extortion and then activate Tel Aviv Satellite, Dark Knight Satellites, Facial recognition, thermal cameras at night and Onvego systems and then arrest, pistol whip and handcuff people who stalk, spy on and touch H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I (H.M Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki) body, and trousers without consent and people who trespass into his properties held by H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust and international organizations where the State of Israel pays memberships fees to. Neck shot people who obstruct the info on the sky view and people who engage in vandalism. Mobilize IDF Engineering Corp to protect critical infrastructure such as H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I's pineal gland and Pleiadean technology.
16.Activate the decree on obstruction, the decree on shadow people, the decree on lawsuits and the decree on rockets on the North Atlantic Military Intergovernmental Organization whenever they try to shoot down our missiles destroying terrorist infrastructure and eliminating terrorists.
HM King Fredrik Zion Asher I