United Kingdom of New Israel Royal corporation sole by H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I [H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I]. 🌏 External Funding: 0 | 🇮🇱 State of Israel Internal funding: 1 million shekels. Internal and External Debt: 0 Revenue from Lawsuits as of DEC 26, 17,024: $1 quattuordecillion dollars. H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust staff: 0, contracts: 0, tenders: 0, due to digital automation software and to prevent infiltrators.


Tribe of Asher

Tribe of Asher
Lion of Asher



Contact the Heir and King of the United Kingdom of New Israel


Email *

Message *


Report a Complaint to Israel Police During an Emergency

Report a Complaint to Israel Police During an Emergency
Reporting complaints is now activated on the Wrist Dashboard together with Onvego systems.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

5th King of Israel, IDF is the only Family

We're getting reports that many Orthodox Jews have joined the military. The
H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I [H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I],
5th King of Israel,
United Kingdom of New Israel

Monday, December 30, 2024

New Jerusalem 17,024

I don't want their yellow toy cars and no regent plenipotentiary shall be appointed.
Furthermore, learn to trade, I do not want any gift offers.
H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I [H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I],
5th King of Israel,
United Kingdom of New Israel.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Commonwealth of Israel Charter by H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I

The kibbutz.
H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I

Israel will Never Join African International Organization or any North Atlantic International Organization

Israel will never join African International Organizations or any North Atlantic International Organization. Activate the decree on Treaty of Westphalia and the decree on auctioning on loop in the present on individuals and organizations that violate this decree; Israel has no interest to commit to the Madrid protocol. Furthermore a decree on no foreign aid was passed a long time ago.
H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I [H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I]
Bantu Hebrew Kikuyu Asher Tribe of Israel.
5th King of Israel,
United Kingdom of New Israel

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Public Notice by H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki, Bantu Hebrew, Kikuyu Asher Tribe of Israel 17,024

H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I [H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I] has never borrowed any funds. King Fredrik has no contract with anybody and is not a member of any political party. The Israeli government is the only investor and thus a beneficiary. The investment period already elapsed. There shall be no further call for investment.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Jewish Seals & Arch Angel Seals

H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I

New Israeli Shekel (NIS) Notes and Coins to Bear these Engravings and Portrait

These symbols and seals are to be featured on the New Israeli Shekel notes and coins; Seal of Elohim on planet Jupiter 5th pentacle and 4th pentacle, Seal of Elohim on the Sun 1st, 3rd and 7th pentacle, Seal of Elohim on Planet Saturn 5th and 7th pentacle, Seal of Elohim on the Moon 1st pentacle, Metatron Cube, Menorah, and the Merkabah. The engravings should be inscribed with 'Adonai YHWH Elohim is Sovereign over all Kingdoms on Earth', 'H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I [H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I], Bantu Hebrew, Kikuyu Asher Tribe of Israel, 5th King of Israel under the United Kingdom of New Israel,' 'A QUOTE from the Holy Book of King Davila Tehilim PSALM 91:13 "On a young Lion and a Cobra you will TREAD; you will TRAMPLE the young Lion and the Serpent.

H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I

Digital Israeli Identity Cards now Live

Digital Israeli Identity Cards (I.Ds) are now live, a mandatory requirement for all countries worldwide. One of the perks is these cards are environmentally sustainable and minimize the use of plastics.

H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

5th King of Israel Communique on the war on Terrorism

Jews worldwide are being attacked by obsessive anti-semitic human trafficking terrorists who have hacked a few governments and defunct governments military grade energy directed weapons (CBRN / weapons of mass destruction) that utilize satellites, radio waves, social media and newsprints to stalk, harass, extort, steal funds, torture, sexually harass, rape, disfigure and kill Jews remotely and covertly. This is is simply a premeditated holocaust and it is unacceptable, the top leaders of these terrorist organizations need to be eliminated, these weapons of mass destruction need to be detected where they are being broadcasted from, dismantled and destroyed if they have fallen on the wrong hands and more measures of detecting such security breaches need to be put in place to stop conspirators before damage is done. These terrorists take advantage of both fragile states and super powers and through spying they exploit cracks with forged documents and fake contracts. We know where these terrorist's physical bodies are and who they are; one of them, a Senior leader of a certain terrorist organization who picked up the mantle after I assassinated Yaya Sinwar, went on national TV and did the Nazi salute. We know their proxies and their networks; it is only a matter of time. 
These terrorists need to be sued broke. Their financing methods need to be curtailed also, their most common way of financing is through extortion, kickbacks from hospital human trafficking, forgery of LPOs, and forced marriages with an intent of asset seizure. Their main targets are wealthy people, foreign governments' treasuries.
All their images need to be censored online and on print on all platforms to limit their CBRN reach and capabilities. Disassociate from such people, unfollow them and delete their contacts because they can reach you through radio wave exposure from contacts on the phone and their images and videos, that's how they spread worldwide with their lightbodies, it's a transboundary issue.
Jewish Agency
Jewish Agency Russia

H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I [H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I]

The United Kingdom of New Israel is open for Tourism

Image credit: Israel Police
Did you know that you can zip line at Kereita forest in New Jerusalem? Visa applications from individuals affiliated to terrorist organizations will be rejected.

HM King Fredrik Zion Asher I

Monday, December 23, 2024

IDF, Israel Navy, Israel Air Force, Israel Police, & MOSSAD Barbeque; Activate the Hebrew Calendar and Add this Annual Anniversary Feb 12, 17,025

Activate the decree to do with monuments. To commemorate H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I's 17,025 anniversary walking side by side with the Israel Defense Forces and Mossad, one of the properties held by H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust in New Jerusalem will be converted into the Museum of Contemporary Jewish Art and Philosophy, its doors will be fixed with Mezuzahs, and Menorah and Merkabah statues will be placed and fixed on the compound, the road its on will be renamed to the New Jewish Museum Road and the park opposite the Museum of Contemporary Jewish Art and Philosophy renamed to the New Hebrew National Park. 
An IDF, Israel Navy, Israel Air Force, Israel Police, & MOSSAD Barbeque with extra virgin olive oil salads with fine linen bread will be served over a couple of fresh natural grape juice and matured grape wine.
Vendors that wish to express interest and avail themselves and book a tent should come with and ready to sell Jewish and Hebraic Merchandise, Artifacts such as a tzitzit etc as people mingle and observe the lighting of the candles.

H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I

Decrees to do with Number Plates activated on Motor Bikes

Image credit: Israel Police
Registration of electric motorbikes and number plates is currently ongoing, this registration can be done through your personal dashboard. Decrees to do with digital I.Ds, Digital Passports, Pleiadean technology and the personal dashboard activated.
H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I

IDF Duvdevan raising the Israeli flag high

We cannot afford to leave a security gap anywhere in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel. Any security threat from antisemitic terrorists premeditating a global holocaust that occurs in Big Israel has the potential to harm Israelis in Small Israel.
Decrees to do with the Placard, decrees to do with the visibility of the Israeli flag, decrees to do with the Israel Defense Forces Duvdevan Unit and IDF Duvdevan Cyber Crime Unit activated in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I [H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I]

P/S King Fredrik's phone is currently off, reach him with ease using the contact form on this platform.
Dec 23, 17,024.

Convoy Security Detail

Image credit: Israel Police
Activate the decree to do with Diplomatic Police and the decree to do with Satellites, the decrees to do with ownership, the decree to do with affiliations, the decrees to do with logbooks and the decree to do with the convoy on loop in the present in all multidimensional units in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

HM King Fredrik Zion Asher I

The Only Legitimate Uniform in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel

Image credit: Israel Police
Decrees to do with Uniforms activated on loop in the present on all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

HM King Fredrik Zion Asher I

Activate the decrees to do with drones

Image credit: Israel Police

HM King Fredrik Zion Asher I

False Documents identified in Extortion, Fraud, and Terrorist Financing Cases

Image credit: Israel Police
Activate the decrees to do with primary data, the decrees to do with timestamps, the decrees to do with metadata, the decrees to do with geodata, the decrees to do with contracts, the decrees to do with affiliations, the decrees to do with Israel Police, the decrees to do with documents, the decrees to do with stolen funds, the decrees to do with terrorist financing, the decrees to do with extortion on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

HM King Fredrik Zion Asher I

Victims of Demolished Buildings Compensated

Image credit: Israel Police
Victims of Demolished Buildings in Kayole, New Jerusalem, United Kingdom of New Israel have been Compensated via lawsuits. Decrees to do with property rights activated.

HM King Fredrik Zion Asher I

Activate the Decrees to do with the Shekel [NIS] and New Israel $hilling [NI$] on loop in the present in the whole United kingdom of New Israel

Image credit: Israel Police
The New Israel $hilling crypto token is the New Israeli Shekel [NIS] in Digital form, it's environmentally sustainable and runs on the binance smart chain Ethereum blockchain.

H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I [H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I]

Sunday, December 22, 2024

One of the main reasons for getting an Education is to prevent you from becoming a terrorist

Image credit: Israel Defense Forces
Activate the decree on affiliations, the decree on schools, the decree on proxies, the decree on networks, the decree on Israel Air Force, the decree on immigration, the decree on illegal immigrants. the decree on real time GPS coordinates, the decree on age, the decree on highest education qualifications, and display every female with a nullified education credential and every female who has been expelled from school on screens on loop in the present on all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

HM King Fredrik Zion Asher I

New Number Plates to be issued in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel

Image credit: Israel Police
Activate the decrees on Israel Tax Authority, the decrees on tax status, the decree on digital I.Ds, the decree on digital passports, the decrees on sovereigns, the ecrees on protocol, the decrees on immunity status, the decrees on number plates, the decrees on international organizations, the decrees on international law and the Vienna convention Treaty and initiate lawsuits on loop in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I

Saturday, December 21, 2024

All Senior Hamas Leaders Must Be Eliminated

When it reached 10 warnings I thought these are just a lot of warnings, cease and desist doesn't mean anything to them, they cannot adhere to simple restraint orders. We have a right to defend our sovereignty and people. The Treaty of Westphalia shall not be violated in the United Kingdom of New Israel. 

Position on Hamas; They are terrorists and militants who like to hack governments worldwide and move military assets, their weapon of choice being CBRN which they use to covertly attack, rape, harass, stalk, make Jews look poor and engage in espionage and pretend to be well dressed friends and obsessive lovers; they're rather fiends. Their means to an end is human trafficking in all its forms.

Extra decree.
Activate the decree to do with affiliations, the decree to do with tax payer status, the decree to do with immigration status, the decree to do with the digital I.D, the decree to do with real time GPS coordinates and display the GPS coordinates worldwide, then display where people whose affiliations belong to terrorist organizations CBRN military grade energy directed weapons capabilities are being broadcasted from and activate the decree on defense mode, the decree on health services, decree 845, the decree to do with the Speaker, the decree to do with 100% , the decree to do with compromise, the decree to do with hostility, the decree to do with obstruction, the decree to do with shadow people, and then activate the decree to do with intrusion.

HM King Fredrik Zion Asher I [H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I]


H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I

Featured Post

The Israeli International Border starts at Litani River, the Golan Heights is under the Manorial rights held by H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I [H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I]

The Israeli International Border starts at Litani River, the Golan Heights is under the Manorial rights held by H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher ...


Sovereign Decrees to do with Motherships, Starships and UV Radiation Activated on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.


United Kingdom of New Israel Extra Sovereign Decree; Activate all the sovereign decrees and extra decrees to do with affiliations, Shin Bet, foreign aid, metal detectors, water detectors, drainage, girls, relationships, touch, Duvdevan, Duvdevan cybercrime unit, Unit 8200, facial recognition, mining, sovereigns, international law, international humanitarian law, clones, impersonation, beneficiary status, Israel Police, Yamam, haptic sensors, sniffer dogs, smoke detectors, masks, execute function, real time GPS coordinates, siblings, offspring, parents, ownership, contracts, documents, property rights, lawyers, extortion, rockets, tunnels, detecting stolen funds, destroying terrorist infrastructure, screens, time, security detail, protocol, convoys, logic, decree 767, decree 845, decree to do with the speaker, calls on people's heads, international organizations, immigration, fingerprint, decrees to do with 100 % , satellites, geodata, timestamps, metadata, primary data, secondary data, crystalline diamond DNA, carbon DNA, deportation, extradition, compromise, hostility, and decree 916 activated in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities.